how nice are stamp people........
well in my opinion they are fantastically nice people and to prove it again I received this envelope in my mail.. from the Texas Philatelic Association. and in the envelope was their January/ February magazine. (sending addres removed as per my privacy policy)

And while I want you all to to read the IPDA ( Internet Philatelic Dealer Association ( soon to be Inc I might add) web site and join us if you sell stamps in any way, I have no problem recommending other equally good Associations. I know many of my readers are from the USA so have a look at
I have other topics to write about and so little time. One quick word for all you sellers and buyers out there. I know I go on about quality but it is so important. I was looking at an eBay item tonight.. and thought how well described it was.. no exaggerations.. and it turned out to be by an IPDA member.. how cool I thought. Maybe a plug for the IPDA... if you are a seller please visit us at and hey, I even found time to join the world wide chat this weekend.. not a lot of time but it was good to catch up with a few of you at least.
I have some more stamps to show you... some more news issues in fact.... tomorrow I hope... best wishes and enjoy your stamps... Michael
PS - you are all fantastic and many thanks to those who have sent stamps recently.. I owe you emails.. but so little time.. so thank you.. you know who you are.. M
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