Grade a stamp Part IV
Hello, well for the past three nights I have had functions and apart from putting on weight I have not written my blog, my apologies.. I still want to write more on the Grade a Stamp topic ( see writing from a few days back and teh GB GV Seahorse) and use some of the excellent feedback I have had.
To start with, as many of you rightly - in my view - pointed out, the stamp being auctioned was not shown against a black background. I have to tell you when I saw the stamp wrote to the seller and asked for a scan against a black background, and I asked for a scan of the reverse of the stamp. I will show those scans tomorrow. Thanks for the input on that and for all of you reading who didn't think of this please always get a scan of the stamp against a black background and if possible a scan of the reverse of the stamp(s). You will see so much more. But even that is not enough. Some of you have pointed out what appear to be tears or lets say problems with the stamp.. my advice here is, if you have such a concern you must write to the seller and ask for an explanation of what you think you see.... it could be just bad scanning.. it could be worse, a damaged stamp.
More to come on this topic.. a final part will be tomorrow if I get home on time.. am out a lot at the moment.. I did get to the post office the other day and found this cover...

... quite nice.. if you collect flowers on stamps please drop me a line and if you can convince me this will be a fantatsic addition to your collection then you could well receive it in a few weeks.. email me at and please include your mailing address... I print off the winner and if the mailing address is not there I go to the runner up.. I am sorry but I dont have time to go searching past emails for addresses.. I do hope you understand.. thank you
Enjoy your stamps.. best wishes.. Michael
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