RSPCA on Stamps from GB
Hello, another few days since I have written.. I am letting the side down.. but have been back to Melbourne again.. and yes the drought looking conditions were still there when I looked out of the plane coming back ( in the morning I just sleep and dream of stamps
One of my dogs is not well so was thinking of the RSPCA today and found these stamps..

Thought you might like to see them if you don't have them. A nice cover.. ...I will say I have taken an address label off, so the cover is not perfect, but the stamps are.
Issued a few years ago and somewhat a clean style.. not like many of todays issues. If you want these for your collection just email me at and first email will get them if you include your mailing address.
Other news.. went to the Eric Clapton concert in Sydney last night.. he is pretty talented as we all must surely know, but so are the guys in the band that played with him. I think I remember seeing him play in the UK when I was a bit younger - a few years ago he looks older than me.. lets put it that way.. so many of the people in the audience were so old !!!!!!!!!!!!!! shucks
Finally, yes, I reinstalled my scanner software and thus the cover above.. but don't forget I am still looking for articles and scans from you on your stamps topic.. see my GV1 article some weeks ago.
Sorry I have not been around much these past few weeks..... and it will be that way for at least the next few weeks.. I am going to India in 7 days.. and if any of you are in Hyderabad, Bangalore or Chennai and have some time to catch up with me I would be so pleased to meet you.. and bring stamps if you let me know in advance.
Finally, I am so far behind on my emails, I am embarassed.. so please forgive me ..I will write eventually or send stamps if I owe you.. please dont let that stop you sending me ideas and emails.
Best wishes.. Michael
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