cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, August 26, 2022

Hello. I hope this finds you well and enjoying life and your stamps.   It has been a busy month for us here at cddstamps – we listed over 1500 stamps to the online store, including Australia, Ethiopia, St. Vincent, Philippines, a few GB, and some Ireland.   Maybe something there for you to fill a few gaps in your collection.

Mentioning Australia,  I am  travelling from early next week and will be in Sydney from Friday.  So, any orders for our Australian customers will be mailed from Sydney  on arrival.   Fast delivery time for sure!. The store will remain open and orders should still be shipped within 24 hours of receipt.

Have a wonderful month of September,  Autumn to some, Spring to others, but whatever and wherever, stay safe, enjoy your stamps and we look forward to seeing you in the store.

Best wishes  ….. Michael    

And PS, please don't forget our partner store in the US   where  we also stock a good range of GB and British Commonwealth as well as Europe.  Our US and Canadian customers are getting very fast deliveries from orders we see placed there.   last month we listed some 600 stamps from Bermuda, British Guiana, Hong Kong, GB, Malaya Federated States and North Borneo, Germany and Hungary.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Hello,  I am still here,  survived a Richter 7 earthquake,  all rooms  with superficial cracks in the walls  but most importantly the stamp inventory is fine :-)  My wife is fine as well,   Thanks for asking!! :-)

Ok let's show a stamp or three and to promote sales from the store - sales have been very slow of late - we will send a free pair of cddstamps tongs - as below image - for every order of $5 stamp value.   ....valid from now until  let's say Friday 19th August -  a week from now.  Just  send a message to us with your order using the Ask a Question button and say you saw  this promo on our blog.

What do you collect?  How about Bermuda. We loaded a  few more to the store recently. Here is something  I doubt you have......  3 copies of  SG 122 (Scott 129) with different overprint positions and shades. Nice addition we think and only asking $1.95.  

And the tongs,  a cddstamps special and we use them every day  - never use another style after using these.

we have also loaded more Hong Kong, Philippines,  Ethiopia  some nice stamps there which we are rather pleased with, and even a few GB and others but I forget where.

We look forward to welcoming you in the store   and becoming a cddstamps customer.

Best wishes  stay safe and enjoy your stamps   Michael

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!