cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, June 26, 2020


Hello,  We are going to be looking at some more Machins this weekend  so I thought I'd message about our stamps, an offer of a 100 free Machins  and an image to explain more. 

So, if you are looking to fill a gap or two in your collection  please enjoy browsing our store.  To find what you are looking for  just type  the value in the "Search in this Store" box might have a lovely surprise.  It works for Regionals, and for Security Machins  you could also type the Date code and / or Source code. We have  plenty to help you fill a few gaps.

Now, how about a little  survey.  All answers will go into a  hat and one will be drawn -  that  person will get 100 different Machins / Security Machins.

Question:  if you collect Security Machins do you collect by Scott where they do not list by  Date Code / Source code - or do you collect by SG where they list  by Date Code / Source code?   

 send your answer (we will contact the winner to get your mailing address) to us at  --  entries close end of day 30th June. 

There is a reason I am asking this. At cddstamps we always list Security Machins by Source and Date code because, obviously,  the  stamps are different. But we have seen sellers just listing by Scott.

So, for example, the buyer would not actually know what they buying other than the stamp is a  "what ever value it is Security Machin" as in the example below a 2nd Class stamp. They would not know  which Security Machin it is they are buying, that is which year or from what source.

Which may be ok if the collector just wants one example of a value for their collection. So, we are interested to know how people collect their Security Machins.    I hope that explains.   Perhaps the image below also helps.

Have a wonderful weekend,  stay safe and enjoy your stamps.  Michael cddstamps 


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