cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Welcome to the weekend. I hope it is a good one for everyone. I will be working on stamps, loading more stock to our cddstamps online store. We are in the middle of a typhoon so no going out for me.

Now back to those GB stamps I showed last week. What was wrong with that listing? well how about these few tips for anyone thinking of buying stamps on the cheap.

1) you cannot see all of each of the stamps ( 8 of them I think) so you have no idea of the quality, rust, missing perfs, tears, you name it, it could be there. In fact you can see some creases and the perfs and pretty dirty.

2) the description was totally incomplete. Very amateurish seller to do that don't you think?

3) you can see that some edges look to have rust / toning so there is a good chance that it will spread to the other stamps since they are packed touching each other

4) the stamps are pretty basic actually and for this quality I would suggest they should be put in the garbage but if you want these for your collection you can get better quality probably at the same or close to same price you would pay for these. These are spacefillers in some language but there really is no such thing as a spacefiller for something that is of such little value and easily and cheaply purchased, even if the cat value for the higher values is a bit pricey. That is just the cat value for perfect condition stamps and that is often a high side number, perhaps.

5) would you check the postage / shipping costs before placing a bid / buying as a buy now offer? You must do that. I saw a listing yesterday where the seller was charging USD $3 for shipping the first stamp and then 50c for each additional stamp. Theseller was set up to make money on shipping while the price of the stamps was a give away. Buyer beware of course but it pays to know these things.

In this day and age there are so many sellers accessible to us all. By way of example, on one philatelic portal there are currently 968 sellers. Yes 968, that was not a typo. Ok not all have vast stocks or what you might be collecting but there is a good chance there are anywhere between 50 and 100 of the stamp you want.

Don't believe me? Well the top stamp in the image is SG 511 / Scott 588 there are over 80 for sale starting at 49c on one portal I know and while most have a parcel cancel which is very common with this issue there are some better copies available. There is also some absolute rubbish for sale. Makes you wonder if the seller knows anything about philately, doesn't it! Yours below for USD $2. (excluding shipping of course!) Wow! Do be careful!!

Have a great weekend and when you want stamps accurately and completely described, well packed, mint especially as we put in Hawid black strip mounts, scanned images of face and reverse on more expensive stamps, and reasonable shipping costs then please give us one chance to help you with your collection.



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