cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Hello, many thanks to all of you who sent in replies to the Comet question. The answer was the Great Comet of 1680 —This comet was discovered on Nov. 14, 1680 by German astronomer Gottfried Kirsch, this was the first telescopic comet discovery in history. also known as Kirsch's Coment.

Well done for so many correct answers. I decided to send runner up prizes. so quite a few of these will be in the mail (from Hong Kong)

Just one more for you to enjoy I hope. This was issued in 2014 in a Miniature Sheet. It is a Lenticular stamp - that is when you move it the image changes. The image shows the Tyhpoon Vicente. Lovely condition and as such I will leave it on piece as I think that is best way to show it. Rather than risk any damage by soaking it from the paper. Just as an aside, maybe you do that with some stamps? I read people asking how to soak stamps, especially self adhesives. My view, is don't. Best for the stamp not to try to remove from the paper and especially with GB Security Machins.

Enjoy your stamps Michael


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