cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Monday, January 05, 2015

Hello, well January is off to a fast start isn't it. I even made time over the weekend to list some new GB stock to my Bidstart Store.   Sadly some of the material I was sorting had light toning (mostly thrown in the bin) , and even a few with some damage.  But some people are happy to collect spacefillers. After all, a really nice copy of the stamp above will set you back a few weeks pocket money, or more !!!!!!!!

I have it listed in the Store,  if this is a spacefiller you would like to get. Actually pretty nice apart from the top right corner perf 1mm tear.  It is SG 265 with a catalogue price of  £475  listed as 53783668  in my store along with plenty more Edward VII, some Edward VIII,  GV and early QEII. More being listed over the coming days and weeks, and all being listed for around <5 20="" catalogue.="" div="" nbsp="" to="">

And don't forget the January promotion I have,  for a free copy of the Hong Kong - China Danxia miniature sheet, see previous writing, which you would get if you bought this.

Anyway,  lots more to be listed in coming days and weeks, if only I had more time.

Have a great week.. Michael


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