cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, October 11, 2008

a competition for a change

Hello, thought I'd show two stamps issued back in September and have a competition based on them.
I have not had a competiion for a while and since some of my auction lots did not sell I'll just give them away :-) ..assuming there is a winner of course. :-)

So for these two stamps, and you can chose one, send me a caption or punch line for what the character might be saying.. nothing with expletives in please.. that will automatically disqualify you even if it amuses me. I will publish the winner in due course ..... which could be a week away as I go to Singapore on Monday night for the rest of the week.

entries by email to me at and the entry MUST include your mailing address.. no mailing address = not entered to win, no matter how brilliant your entry is. Reason.. I dont have time to search all my emails for your address if you are winner (yes I may do more than one winner) ....all depends on how much you make me laugh :-)

Enjoy your stamps .... ........... Michael


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