some new stamps and covers
Hello, I have had a wonderful day.. sorted some stamps, soaked some stamps, read some stamp blogs... oh yes.. and sun bathed
the stamp blogs.. I read Machin Mania..... excellent .. you have to read this if you collect Machins.. lots of news about the new release with the increase in UK postal rates in a few months time, and also news about the issue for the 40th anniversary of the Machin stamps themselves. Some excellent scans as well. Going to be an expensive year me thinks .. just with Machins..
I also read AKPhilately.. Lions on stamps is a topic Adrian has been talking about and his articles are so interesting and the scans of stamps are truely brilliant.
Both can be found from my links..

I will be updating my web site with more details of these as well if you are interested.
The only thing I have not completed today.. is reply to all my emails.. sorry if that includes you.. but thanks for whatever you sent.. I do enjoy hearing from you. Enjoy your stamps.. best wishes.. Michael
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