cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Hello, welcome to the blog and another weekend. It has been a busy day,  I wrote the IPDA ( Internet Philatelic Dealers Association)  Newsletter and got that published. For a free copy just email me at or read about us on our website at

For stamps,  I have loaded more to the Bidtstart Store many 1930 - 50's Nyasaland. Some good values there as well.  These add to the Northern Rhodesia I loaded over the past two days. I am nearly back to 11,000 items in stock - plenty of sales again in the early part of this past week took me way down below 11,000.

Perhaps it is the incentive of my free Customer Christmas present. Read previous blogs to see what it is and how you can get it

The above stamp is also one I loaded today. These higher value issues are hard to find postally used in such fine condition. SG 2155 with a catalogue of £2.50 (obviously I am offering it at nothing like that)  Just visit the Store here  and scroll down ( I will correct the page format problem one day) for the countries I stock. Not too many - a focused selection  for the British Commonwealth collector really.

Anyway, have a great weekend and I hope you have time to visit the Store, fill a few gaps in your collections and get a Christmas present from me as well.

Best wishes... Michael


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