cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, July 20, 2007

Machins... and what a great guy

I wasn't sure what to write about tonight.. I had a few subjects in mind but I was reading Machin Mania, well some one has to eh!!! (I got an email from Roy telling me he is going to be offline for a few months, poor sod is moving to Spain.. finally sick and tired of the rain in UK LOL so I thought I should read his latest blog ... ) and he thinks he can get away from me visiting him I guess.. more fool him...... I'll be there be there before he knows it.. well it is not that far from India is it .. anyway seriously I will miss his Machin updates and insights... lets all hope he gets back online sooner than a few months, … does anyone know how long it takes to connect Broadband in Spain?
So all the best Roy in your new surrounds.. here is something to help you acclimatize enjoy... and as for the rest of us.. here is a lovely "stamp".. and for more you have to have a read Machin Mania then come back and complete my survey.. see below.. Ok
Have a great weekend..

Enjoy your stamps... Michael


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