leaving on a jet plane
wonderful song I am sure you will agree... or some such title.. and that describes me on Monday night at 00:50.
Yes a riduclous hour to fly but that is the departure time from Melbourne for the Singapore airlines flight to Singapore and then arriving in India on Salsette Island ( where...??? confused.. then read on)
I hope to post while I am away but I expect my postings will be brief "postcards" from anywhere I can access the internet, like airport lounges and hotels when I have the time.
This trip has been brought forward so I have to apologise yet again as there are emails I have not answered and stamp mailing which in all probability will be delayed until my return, around mid May. I am also out of town this weekend so no time to catch up, sorry.
If you are reading this from Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai or Macau and want to catch up I may have some free time in the evenings although my work days will be long. If you know of a good stamp shop in Bangalore (I have some free time on 6th May) or Macau ( I may have some free time 9th May) I would really like to hear from you as I want to visit some local stamp shops.

Please email me at cddstamps@gmail.com anytime as I do plan to check my emails.
But less of me.. how about some stamps.
Well this stamp was issued this week.
I have this FDC which I hope you like and which I will give away to .. lets say 5th person to tell me where am I flying to in India, just name the city that will be my first stopover. .. you will have to have been paying attention to know
I look forward to hearing from you .... enjoy your stamps... best wishes.. Michael
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