A new Concorde Cover
and isn't this beautiful? Well I think so and I hope you enjoy seeing it.

This issued with the Great Britain, Royal Mail, World of Inventions issue earlier this month.
It is, in my humble view, one of the great planes ever built. and it did fly for 25 plus years..... and while I never flew on it myself ( I have been "on" it many times I have to admit) I did get to put my parents on it to New York to come and visit me for a weekend many years ago. And that was more important to me than actually flying on it myself. anyway.. less of my nostalgia
So I have not given a prize for ages.. how about a flight cover of some sort.. I'll see what I can find ... I have a few ... so to the 2nd correct answer to the following, only if you include your mailing address ...
how many fuel tanks does the Concorde have.. oh that is such a wonderful piece of trivia isn't it?
Ok, a second prize.. to the first correct answer... concorde flew faster than the speed of rotation of the earth.. true or false. That has you thinking
Oh what knowledge one can collect from collecting stamps. Enjoy your stamps.. Michael
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