Watermarks... and something from the Philippines

Hello everyone, hope you had a good weekend. It has rained here for two days.. and that is just great.. we really need it.. not good for your stamps if the humidity / dampness get to them but I think I am safe there. A good reason to make sure you have your stamps in good quality albums and slip cases.
Now for Watermarks. For those of you collecting GB you may find the following useful ( many thanks to Roy at Machins Made Easy .. look at his web site.. http://gbmachins.co.uk/ getting better all the time I think - he is helping me out while I still don't have my scanner hooked up as I didn't get my PC back.. If I get the time I may reload the software on this laptop tomorrow.. I have so many interesting stamps to show you.. anyway..
Watermarks.. this might help you.. and if you want some examples send me an email at
cddstamps@gmail.com and I may even send you some stamps .. especially if you are able to send me a FDC with aircraft on, in exchange, or just aircraft on stamps.. or better still the Airbus A380 aircraft on stamps.
As for the Philippines... Now this is a really good idea I think.. never been done before that I know of.. The Quezon Philatelic Club is going to host QUEZONPEX 3. This is a Virtual Philatelic Exhibition. It is open to anyone that wants to send in an exhibit, much as you would exhibit at a show, except it will be "virtual". All collectors wanting to exhibit can send their 16 pages (yes just like a normal show exhibit) in scanned file format; originals in jpeg format is required with at least 300 dpi resolution.
If you want to exhibit you can send your entry, on CD to Alberto Alcala, Reymar Compound, 4301 Lucena City, Philippines. or email them to him at maeca_mvcc@yahoo.com.
And guess who is helping to sponsor the awards, yes me.. so if you are a winner you will get a certificate and FDC as a prize. There may be other prizes but I don't yet know all the details.. any questions just email Alberto at maeca_mvcc@yahoo.com. A website will be announced in the coming weeks.. you will be able to see the other exhibits.... I will keep you posted. Isn't the internet just an amzing place where people from all over the world can participate and enjoy stamps together.
And finally, did I tell you there is an article in the next issue of the Canadian Stamp News, with me .. all about the IPDA.. Hope you get a chance to have a look.. and especially if you are a seller of stamps.. as I talk about the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association... an Association you should be a member of if you want to promote your credibility as a stamp seller, even if only part time delear.
Enjoy your stamps.. and in case I dont get my scanner hooked up.. you all know by now how slow I can be at getting things done.. if you want to send me a scan of some interesting stamps I'll show them and write about them ... oh and finally yes I promise, finally for tonight, I mailed rather a lot of letters to many of you today.. well it was raining so I was able to catch up on my email and my outstanding stamp mailings..... so you should get some nice surprises in a week or two... Best wishes.. Michael
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