cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Thursday, October 22, 2020


What’s in an Image Part III?    Addendum.

Fig 1  as per listing Qty 2 

    Fig 2   stamps as received

Hello do you remember reading Part VI of my series Caveat emptor and my piece “What’s in an Image Part III”, it was the previous article.  Sorry if I am complicating matters with my numbering.  It was about a seller showing an image of each and every stamp when there are multiple copies available of the stamp being sold.  

Well here we have the proof of my example. I spoke about a GB George VI stamp. The rather collectible  Scott  268  (SG 494)  The seller listed  “Qty 2”. The stamp shown  (Fig 1) is the stamp in the listing.  Guess what the buyer received?

Yes, the stamps, as in Fig 2, which are not two stamps with same quality as the one in the original listing. Well not in my view, because the centering on the second stamp was far from as good as the image shown. That is, the stamp to the left is very much centered offset to the right.   NB: Sorry about image quality but this is what has been sent to me.

Moral of story, apart from buyer beware, of course is this, ask for an image of the stamp you will are buying.

 Enjoy your collecting.  Buyer beware, or perhaps buy from an accredited  and well respected dealer?  Just a thought.

Stay safe    Michael


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