cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Friday, October 25, 2019

Hello, A new Machin today. I am still in the UK and this arrived with the other two values that were released in June / July this year with the M19L date code.

Nice to have these as I had forgotten all about them.

Have a lovely philatelic weekend, and if you have time please visit our online shop We just hit 15,000 feedbacks How much more confidence do you need to look at our stamps ......and we hope you will fill a few gaps in your collection.



At 12:34 AM, Blogger Ian - Norvic said...

The high values were released at Autumn Stampex on 11 September and distributed from Tallents House Bureau on 24 October 2019.

The £2 had earlier appeared in some Royal Mail delivery offices which sell stamps, but no earlier than the beginning of September I understand.


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