cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hello, today is Australia Day so I thought I would show  this rather nice Miniature Sheet issued in 2000 to celebrate the Centenary of the Commonwealth of the Australia Constitution.  I hope everyone who is celebrating this day has a wonderful time.

Also, I add two more of the stamps I have recently been listing in the cddstamps online store. These are SG 788 and SG 788b.  SG 788 is printed with Photogravure centre and SG 788B is printed with Lithography centre. Quite easy to spot the differences especially since the Lithography printing is much darkerand the bands on the Tasmanian Tigers back are longer and darker.  
The differences are  well documented in the SG catalogue I use.  I hope you have both copies in your Australia collection, and if you don’t then perhaps you would like to visit the cddstamps online store where we have a few copies of both available.  

Use this link

Have a lovely day and enjoy your philately

Best wishes      Michael


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