cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hi, I have been sorting stamps again to list in my Bidstart Store and I came across a few nice examples from Jersey. One thing I try to do in my Store is list a few copies of the same stamp because I know many people like to collect stamps with nice clean and clear used postmarks. This one certainly falls into that category I hope you will agree.

A 1980 issue  to commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Royal Geographical Society.  but lets be not so serious for a minute......... lets face it Jersey doesn't have that much to commemorate so any far fetched excuse to issue some new stamps eh!!!!!!!!!!   If you don't believe me about how desperate they are to issue stamps have a look at their new issues, and, looking back,  my favourite (Not) is the 2003 issue "Pets"   LOL.  or maybe it is the 2008 issue "Farm Animals"   oh dear I better stop there I think :-)

Hope you had a great weekend    Michael


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