What’s in an Image?
Hello and welcome to
Part IV of my series Caveat emptor. In the last
piece I finished up by saying I would talk more about the images you see when you look at stamps
offered for sale on the internet, and
what you might really be seeing.
I have written on this topic before on a few forums but the
following is using my own purposely created images. These replicate what I see
time and time again on various philatelic selling platforms. You can make your
own mind up about what you buy of course, based on the images you see, but
remember, Buyer beware!
I don’t think I need to talk too much about
these images but a few comments might
supplement them and give a perspective you might not appreciate until you receive
the stamps you bought. I have learnt the
hard way. So my comments are based on
actual experiences.
will talk about what and how you might
see stamps presented from a sellers point of view, implying some do nots, and, from a collectors
point of view on how to interpret what you may be seeing, or not seeing.
Fig 1
shows a set of Mint Never Hinged stamps. This is very often what you will see. The seller is subconsciously communicating, in my view
anyway, I don’t have the time or
inclination to properly show what I am selling, and I don’t
really understand the fact they are mint
with full gum.
Fig 1:
issue with gums can be many but the most
obvious one is that with the slightest moisture the gum side might stick to the
face side of the touching stamp. You
think I am exaggerating here? Have you
experienced the gums on many Malta, Rhodesia or Papua New Guinea issues from
around the 1970s? There are many others of course, Eastern Europe comes to mind. Gums stick very easily.
By the time the stamps reach you the buyer, if they are packed like this as they usually
are when they are displayed like this, you could be in trouble. Sure,
full refund if not happy is the answer people tell me. Well actually it is not when the buyer
says full refund if returned in 14 or
even 28 days - can you do that with
todays mail services impacted by the corona virus effect on international and even some domestic mail services? Probably not. Or, what if the buyer says
they were ok when they left us. Buyer
If you
are looking at Mint stamps I recommend you
look for stamps packed as in Fig 2.
Yes with a set of so many stamps
they need to overlap but with each stamp
in a black mount you can be confident
there will be no gum sticking to other stamps.
Fig 2:
And to take this one step further if we at
cddstamps show for sale a mint stamp with full gum,
and the image is just of the stamp, when we pack to inventory after
scanning we always put it in a mount. For safety - It is to us the professional thing to do - and
you always get your Mint stamp in a mount.
Now what about used stamps? Well here is an example as shown in Fig 3.
Fig 3:
What do you see? Perhaps what the seller wants you to see. And
again I am speaking from actual experience here. The message is you see what the seller sees and that could
well be influenced by the experience and philatelic knowledge and standards of
the seller.
I am not saying right and wrong - I
am saying different standards, different values and different
understanding about stamp collecting and stamp selling. Buyer beware of course. If your standards
and expectations are different from those of the seller then the image displays will not always show
Here is another view of the same
set. What do you see? Description:
Used. Used might mean different things to different sellers and different buyers. Personally we prefer showing the set like this,
as in Figure 4:
Then again let’s look at this issue once more. A selling
display might look like this as in Fig 5.
Also with Description: Used
Fig 5
But were we to show the image another way the
stamps would look like this. You have
to look carefully because with this small image the creases do not really show!
Fig 6
I hope this was informative and perhaps
useful? Talking about images showing
details like creases, perhaps for my next
article I will talk more on the size and resolution of the images being displayed for
collectors to use to make their
judgement about whether to buy or not to buy.
Buyer beware.
Stay safe and safely enjoy your philately
Michael cddstamps.com and at our shop here Hope to
see you :-)
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