do you use auction sites on the web?

Hello, why do I ask? well I found a new site today.. don't think I will go back there mind you but thought it would be interesting to know if you look at auction sites and which ones?
This is one... I won't say which one because I don't want to encourage you to go somewhere that has no description of its stamps.. look carefully.. no description.. who is trying to sell this? could be any one of at least 6 stamps... by watermark, phosphor, variety etc etc etc .......seems a bit far fetched to me.. so what online auction sites do you use, if any, or would you consider using? I would really appreciate hearing from you.. may do a poll even.. if get time tomorrow.
Enjoy your stamps.. best wishes.. Michael
and PLEASE READ THE WEB SITE :-) :-) might be worth your while for Christmas :-)
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