cddstamps on stamps

my thoughts on stamps, stamp collecting, philately in general and maybe a few other topics !

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

GB GV Downey Heads Part III

Hello, I finally made time today to get some scans for you of the two Die varieties of the 1d Downey Head. And a picture from the SG catalogue. I think the stamp scans show the variety the best but thought I'd show both for completeness.

It is now time to start having a look at some of your GV Downey Heads if you have not already done so. You have the watermarks I showed a few nights ago. Now the Die varieties.

I mentioned differences in watermarks. Well that is because you may find inverted, sideways or inverted reveresed watermarks. For the latter you need a mirror. Well not so much need one as it helps. Well it helps me. If you see a wtaermark that just doesn't look right hold the stamp to a mirror and see if that makes the watermark legible. For my final piece tomorrow I am going to show a photograph of my desk... you'll see the mirror I use. Clever :-) ..... read tomorrow to find out :-)

Enjoy your stamps.. Best wishes .. Michael


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