A380.. good news...
I found my passport.... .. only joking.. I carry it all the time.. and it is valid.. actually I have two,, well one has to have a back up plan eh!!!
I leave for Singapore in less than two days.. and the schedule has got busier,.... with a few parties now confirmed.. in Singapore and Sydney.. not going to be much sleep the next week.. but lots of wondeful people to meet and some new stamps and historic postmarks.. this is my Sydney to Singapore cover..

I have printed 20.. and there will be no more, in fact some with have these stamps some will have a se-tenant strip of 5 50c stamps so really there will less than 10 of each. with my mark plus my signature plus commemorative hand stamp..
have you placed an order to reserve one? I have a few left unordered.. email me at cddstamps@gmail.com for more details.. first in first reserved and no payment until I can confirm the post marks ...
I will try to write while I am away.. so please keep reading for my news.. and please tell your stamp and aviation friends all about this historic event.
Best wishes... Michael
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