I really should have been doing other things today but I had a large envelope of Machins that have been wanting to be sorted :-) I won’t bore you with them all, although I thought this might amuse someone, if not more than one of my readers.
We often complain about pen cancels. Well, from a mix of about 400 stamps I found just these 13. Not really that many. But just looking at the 1st Vermillion issue, Date Code 16 Source Code B (not sorted by the vermillion and darker vermillion shades yet, that is my next project.,……. one day) I found 104 copies with cancels and 36 copies with no cancels. That is 25.7% not cancelled.
I know you cannot reuse because they are Security Machins, and it is illegal anyway, and I live in the Philippines of course :-) but it shows from a completely random sample what sort of missed cancellation rate the Royal Mail can achieve. And these were all from letter mail, not parcels I might add..
Enjoy your stamps Michael cddstamps.com
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