torn in half space filler..........

Hello, yes that is how this stamp was described on eBay. I have to say (for a change ..... :-) big smile) this seller was describing the stamp very clearly, even though it did look rather worse for wear. The seller even said.. "torn in half and repaired with hinges. If you bid on this one you are desparate" well, how honest can a seller be.
What would you pay for this??? , even as a space filler.. did any of you see it on eBay??
I will give a GB FDC to the closest estimate.. I will tell you the value it sold for tomorrow night...
if any of you have the time to search eBay to find it well you could be closest but not fastest hee hee..
Don't you just love stamps.. Oh, and well done to Glenn from Canada for correctly getting the fact that last nights event / stamp was the maiden (and of course only) sailing of the Titantic from Southampton.
Thanks to all who emailed me and sorry you cannot all win. I do enjoy reading your email though. Enjoy your stamps... best wishes.. Michael
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