Cochin.......... where ??? :-)
Hello everyone.... do you know what is so excillarating about writing a blog.. .. well yes I get a lot of enjoyment from writing but I get even more from your emails.. and the fact that there is always someone out there who will know whatever it is I am talking about and be able to share with me information or scans of stamps that help me learn more. so to Cochin.. the clue to where it is, was in the fact I said Kerala State.. Which as many have pointed out is in India. It might have been obvious since I said was going to India.. but I know you know I can tease you at times as Cochin is also in China...

Anyway, thanks for the scans I received .. and I chose these stamps from Chris in the UK..
quite nice... dont you think.. hey... well compared to the souvenier stickers being issued these days by Royal Mail and Australia Post to name but two
If the scan is not too clear.. sorry but blogger sizes and if I enlarge it the definition goes blurred... have a look at my other blog this is after all my backup site :-)
and have a look at and also to learn more..
I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I have. On a personal note, I am having trouble getting flights to get me there on time.. given commitments here in Sydney... so will have to wait a while to see if I do get there.. Travel plans change so quickly... watch this space...
That is todays news from downunder... enjoy your stamps.. always good to hear from you.. Have you got any stamps that are really hard to identify.. from a place that no longer issues stamps... and with a story about your travels.. send me an email.. I'd be pleased to share with others
Best wishes.. Michael
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